miercuri, 21 decembrie 2011

Amitabha Buddha of Infinite Light

Buddha Amitabha este deseori reprezentat tinand un lotus.

Lotusul reprezinta cresterea din pamant, inaltarea spre cer si reintoarcerea in pamant. Este simbolul potentialului fiintelor sensibile.

Buddha Amitabha este inconjurat de raze de lumina, caci este format din Lumina Infinita.
Taramul Sau Pur a fost creat prin cele 48 de legaminte care fac posibila

conectarea la sfera lui de forta folosind Boddhicitta si renasterea in acest taram.

Se spune ca lumina inimii lui Buddha Amitabha a emanat spre centrul unui lac si

gurul Rinpoche s-a nascut miraculos intr-o floare de lotus.

Dharmakara's 18th Vow
"Blessed One, may I not awaken to unsurpassable, perfect,
full awakening if, after I attain awakening,
those living beings in other world spheres
who conceive the aspiration to attain unsurpassable,
perfect full awakening, hear my name, and remember me with serene trust,
will not be met by me at the moment of death-
if I should not stand before them then,
surrounded and honored by a retinue of monks,
so that they can meet death without anxiety."

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