luni, 23 ianuarie 2012

Cateva cuvinte ...

Orestes Bouzon

NoTe FoR A CHiLD ~~♥ ImPossIbLy BeAuTiFuL♥ ~~

'I am the question and you are the answer
I am the lyric with words, who, like dancers,
Need you, the melody, to give life to my song
I am a boat in the sea all alone
You are the North Star, guiding me home
I'm the explorer and you are the treasure I seek
And how can I dare to believe
I wake from this dream to see
Impossibly beautiful, you walk beside me
And all that I see in you
I just want to be with you
Impossibly beautiful, but beautifully true
I am a Japanese house made of paper
You, like a hurricane, lay me to waste
Here in my brokenness, everything changes but you'

vineri, 13 ianuarie 2012


"Oglinda straluceste prin voal,

imagineaza-ti cum va fi cand
de pe ea se va ridica voalul"

"Frumusetea este oglinda frumusetii Sale:

iubirea pe care o inspira
reflecta aspiratia noastra sincera
catre El."

"Sa devii ca zapada topita;
sa te speli de tine insuti.
Cu iubire vocea ta interioara
va gasi un limbaj
care creste ca un crin
tacut in inima."

"Crezi ca esti viu doar pentru ca respiri aer?
Sa-ti fie rusine
ca esti viu intr-un mod atat de limitat.
Sa nu-ti lipseasca Iubirea,
ca sa nu fii mort!
Sa mori in Iubire
si sa fii viu de-a pururi!"

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